Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summertime Team Practices

Wow, we are over halfway through the summer and the team has been killing it with their workouts! We switched to two days a week for the summer so that we could have practice for longer before and after workouts...which means that Mike and Kaiya made longer, harder workouts!

Mike brought "Steven Jeffrey" home from Riggins two weekends ago and now we are doing our ab circle and seatbelts with a chunk of granite instead of an exercise ball. How fun. Most of the summer has consisted of hard workouts once a week and more climbing the other day, once a month we have a mini-comp at the gym to keep the kids in the swing of things.

Once more of the team bio forms get sent back I will update that section with photos and some fun facts about the team members! For now, here is a sample workout that the kids did on Monday July 11.

2 rounds, 30 second intervals of each exercise with 0 rest breaks until the end of a circuit

at the end of each circuit there is a 1 minute rest period

Circuit 1

lock offs
tricep pushdowns

Circuit 2

crimp hangs
campus 2-4
sloper hangs
weight rope

Circuit 3

plank on ball
seatbelts with SJ
incline situps
leg raises to sides
back extensions on ball

Circuit 4

Quick Lunges

This workout takes about 40 minutes to complete, with adequate rest in between rounds. All of the kids that are consistently attending practice are making HUGE gains in strength and ability. We are looking forward to the start of the ABS Season, we are in a new region and psyched to head to Portland to hit the Circuit this fall!

More to come!!

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